Mission Statement
The Mission of Right Direction Church International’s Middle & High School ministry – E.P.I.C STUDENT MINISTRIES is to Empower students through the teaching of faith principles and creating epic moments relative to Middle & High School students and the teen culture.
Meeting Times
GoEPIC Wednesdays | Wednesday Nights @ 7pm
TCS Teen Church Sundays | 2nd & 4th Sundays @ 10:30am
Location: Family Life Center | 3506 Broad River Rd. | Columbia, SC 29210
The EPIC E's
ENGAGE – “Fellowship is incorporating God’s people into a family where they can be known, cared for, held accountable, and encouraged.”
ENLIST – “Evangelism is communicating the good news of Jesus Christ with those who don’t yet have a personal relationship with him.”
EMPOWER – “Discipleship is educating God’s people with his truth.”
EXPERIENCE – “Worship is celebrating God’s presence and honoring him with our lifestyles.”
EMBRACE – “Ministry is demonstrating God’s love by meeting the needs of others with love.”