Dear RDCI Supporter:

As we approach Christmas and the end of 2022, I again want to thank you for your ongoing support of RDCI especially as we are now on the downside of our New Sanctuary Construction Project.

You and so many others have been consistent and faithful in your support of Right Direction Church International, me and Dr. Marcia. Because of you, “Building with Grace” is not just a motto and positive confession, it is indeed a manifested testimony that we have been able to build with “no strain, no stress and no struggle.”

Our prayer is that you would have the best Christmas ever and experience all the love, joy and peace that Jesus came to give us. If you desire to still give a Finishing Strong Seed or a Special Christmas Seed you can do so by clicking the link below.

Again, thank you for all that you have done and continue to do. May all the joy of Christmas be manifested for you and your family and may your New Year be filled with anticipation and prosperity.

In appreciation,

Bishop Herbert Bailey