Kingdom Expansion Initiatives
As Right Direction Church International approaches almost three decades of ministry, we have so much to rejoice and be thankful for.
Through the generous support of our members and partners, our church has expanded to three thriving campuses in Columbia, SC, Orangeburg, SC, and Florence, SC. In July 2023, we were all able to celebrate and greatly rejoice to see the completion and dedication of our New Sanctuary on the Columbia campus. The scriptures tell us that “a dream comes through much activity…” (Eccl. 5:3), so our sanctuary was a culmination of over 20 years of vision coming to pass by taking small steps toward that gigantic accomplishment.
We have increased our community outreach and missions efforts through partnerships with Food Share. We have continued to address food insecurity through our monthly fruit and vegetable giveaways at each of our campuses and support of The Urban League’s summer food program for students.
At the beginning of 2024, we discussed how we can make an even greater impact for our church, our community, and our world for future generations. As we move forward, there is more that we need to build, do, and implement to meet the needs of both our members and the community at large. Right Direction has demonstrated that we are a generous church that gives far above the average church. Most of this giving has come from our regular weekly and bi-weekly incomes. As many have become more economically stable, approach retirement, or simply look to the future, we should leave a legacy for future generations. We are reminded that “good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren, but the sinner’s wealth passes to the godly” (Prov. 13:22 NIV).
We are looking forward to the next 5 – 10 years with hope and anticipation of doing more to expand the ministry of RDCI, both internally and externally. We want to help you with financial planning for your future that will allow your gifts to meet the personal goals for you and your family while also leaving a lasting impact for the kingdom of God.
Education & Scholarships
($1 Million)
Many of you may have heard the story of our founder, Bishop Herbert Bailey’s educational journey. As a child living in the public housing projects of Jersey City, he was given the opportunity for private elementary and high school education through the benevolence of two nuns, Nancy & Carol, who sponsored his education by operating a thrift store.
Consequently, encouraging and supporting education is a key value of Right Direction Church International. Right Direction has partnered with and sponsored activities at our local schools, Pine Grove Elementary, Columbia High School, St. Andrews Middle School, and Sandel Elementary School. In addition, our campus churches have done the same to support education in their areas.
Over the last 15 years, we have proudly invested tens of thousands of dollars directly supporting students, colleges, and universities. Our deliberate focus has been on uplifting our local Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)—Benedict College, Allen University, and Claflin University—by supporting student programs and encouraging academic excellence.
It is our endeavor to establish a scholarship foundation to annually sponsor the college education of qualifying students up to $100,000 per year.

Building & Facilities
($3-5 Million)
During the construction of our new sanctuary, our original plan was to include a 5,000-square-foot administration building to house our staff offices. Consolidating all of our offices and ministry operations on one campus would minimize our expenses, enhance efficiency, and foster an environment where our spiritual, administrative, and community-focused efforts work seamlessly together. Unfortunately, the unexpected increase in construction expenses during the pandemic delayed this portion of the project. Despite the setback, the need to build our administrative wing is still a priority. The administration building, projected to cost $3 million, will include office spaces, equipment, and furniture necessary for our staff to serve our congregation and community.
In addition to the administration building, we are excited about the opportunity to renovate our current Family Life Center into a banquet hall. This renovation will allow us to host formal events, such as weddings, church banquets, and community gatherings on-site, eliminating the need to rent facilities from local hotels and convention centers. This change will save resources and provide a contemporary space that reflects our vision to serve our community.
Furthermore, we plan to construct a $2 million 20,000-square-foot gymnasium. We will dedicate this state-of-the-art facility to hosting community athletic events, fostering outreach opportunities, and strengthening our connection with the surrounding area. The Banquet Hall and Gym will position our campus as a hub for ministry and community engagement while creating additional revenue streams for RDCI. Ideally, we want to pursue both projects simultaneously to optimize costs and resources. However, we recognize that space constraints may require us to approach them in phases.
Whether completed together or separately, these projects are critical for fulfilling our mission and expanding our efforts. By investing in these projects, you are helping us create a campus that not only serves our congregation but will also become a source of hope in our community for generations to come.
Community Housing
($3-5 Million)
Meeting housing needs for our “unhoused” community is a dire need throughout our country. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reports that in 2023, close to 20% of US citizens were unhoused – an increase of 12% over 2022. While SC only reports a homelessness rate of 7.5%, we have also seen a rise in this community near our Columbia campus. In addition, state and local governments are encouraging churches to consider using vacant land to build homes. As we still have vacant land on our Columbia and Orangeburg campuses, we want to use our land to meet the need for housing in our communities.
God has blessed us with 21 acres of undeveloped land around our main campus. Our community has a housing shortage, and this land can be used to make a major impact in the Broad River corridor. We envision developing this land into a mixed development with multi-family and single-family housing. A portion of this project will assist individuals 55 and older, along with single parents.
We estimate that phase 1 of this project will cost 2.5 million dollars. Phase 1 of this project will include architectural design and 10 patio homes. We anticipate pursuing phases 1 and 2 through community partnerships and our church-sponsored CDC – The Compass Community Development Corporation.

International Missions
Bishop Bailey & Dr. Marcia took their first international mission trip in 2002 with a team of five RDCI staff members. Upon seeing the need and the impact that we could have, their hearts were immediately open to the continent of Africa. Since then, RDCI has either sponsored or taken trips to South Africa and Ghana, where we engaged Bishop’s physician, Dr. Damon Daniels, to take medical teams to do medical missions. Through our partnership with Mercy Ships, Fountainhead Christian School, and Fountainhead College in Accra, Ghana, RDCI continues to use our resources to feed, heal, and educate in Ghana, West Africa. We also have supported foreign missions through our international members as they have traveled back to their native countries of Kenya and Zambia.
We support our friends in Ghana monthly and send a bonus offering of thousands of dollars at the end of the year to assist children during the Christmas season. RDCI has a vision to expand our work in Africa through the mobilization of pastors and churches connected with the Right Direction Fellowship to make an even greater impact in Africa. We desire to build an educational wing at the Fountainhead College in Accra, Ghana.
Debt Elimination
($15 Million)
Right Direction has always endeavored to quickly eliminate debt on our facilities and projects, understanding that the less debt we have, the more financial resources are available to actually do the work of ministry. In 2001, we purchased our first church building at 1230 St. Andrews Road, Columbia, SC, for $750,000 and paid it off within two years. In 2004, we built our Worship Center Sprung facility for $1.2M and paid it off a year later in 2005. In 2008, we built our Family Life Center for $4.4M and paid it off in 2011 (during the Great Recession of 2008). In 2016, we built Kids Town children’s ministry building for $2.2M and paid it off in 2018. In 2024, we paid off our Orangeburg campus, and in 2025, we will pay off our Florence Campus.
We have used but never abused debt because the scripture teaches us that “…the borrower is a servant to the lender” (Prov. 22:7) and “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another…” (Romans 13:8 NIV).
As we continue to expand our ministry, it is our goal to do so debt-free as much as possible. With your help, generosity, and “creative provision,” we will eliminate the $12M debt on our new sanctuary over the next 10 years so that more resources can go directly to ministry, transforming lives and impacting generations.

We ask that you do three things to assist us
- Consistently support RDCI through tithes and offerings as you are doing now.
- Pray over these kingdom expansion initiatives.
- Consider having a meeting or discussion with our MortarStone representative to discover how we can help you leave a lasting legacy to meet both your personal financial goals as well as support ministry for the future generations in tax-smart ways.
For more information
MortarStone helps us create a culture of generosity while offering tax advantaged strategies for giving. Tim, Deatrick, Generosity Advisor, will work with our leadership to guide us through Legacy Impact Giving
For a virtual conversation email Legacy@rightdirection.info or click the button below to fill out the interest form
Phone: 803.798.1230
Email: legacy@rightdirection.info
1234 St. Andrews Road
Columbia, S.C. 29210